Research at Cullen

A student performs research at the Center for Integrated Bio and Nano Systems

Cullen College of Engineering’s research program is one of demonstrable scope and scale. It features 29 research centers, institutes, and consortiums. There are over 120 active laboratories at Cullen and it has received over $40 million in direct research expenditures.

It has been elevated to a Tier-1 research institution in the areas of Bioengineering, Biomedicine, Complex Systems, Computing, Education, Energy, Environment, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Materials, Power, and Sensors.

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Cullen College’s research strategy is five-fold: 1. Leading Research Frontiers; 2. Interdisciplinary Collaborations and Partnerships; 3. Boldly Innovating and Inculcating Entrepreneurship; 4. Excellence in Design; and 5. Changing the World One Bit at a Time

Students engage with their research faculty instructor at the South Park Annex

Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged and often participate in major research projects at Cullen College. This hands-on training gives them greater expertise in their fields of study and better prepares them for their career paths, which translates into faster entry into the workforce compared to other engineering schools in the nation.

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Cullen College’s research is bolstered by strategic partnerships in Industrial Relations. It fosters close collaboration between not just industry partners and research faculty, but with the whole of the college’s student body. Its goal is to “transform society, serve our community and maintain student success, national competitiveness, and global engagement.”

Partners gain access to the college’s research facilities and work in tandem with students and research faculty to address real-world solutions in their business models. As a result, students gain invaluable career development while Cullen College increases its visibility as a leader in sustainable research and in the private sector.

Through its vast network of alumni, current students and faculty, and expanding research partnerships, as well as state-of-the-art research facilities, Cullen College of Engineering shows why it is among the top-performing engineering colleges across the nation and a premier research institute.


Industrial Relations: Powering Innovation and Entrepreneurship


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